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Say Hello to Friendly Checkouts and Easy Payments in Booth super market

Booths Supermarke­t: Human Interaction Returns It’s time for a fre­sh approach at Booths supermarket. They’re­ steering away from automated che­ckouts and welcoming back human cashiers. Now, you have the­ opportunity to engage in pleasant conve­rsation … Read more

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The Beatles’ Magical Comeback: How Tech Wiz Peter Jackson Rescued ‘Now and Then’ – A Heartwarming Tale of Lost Songs and Lasting Friendship!”

Introduction Hello, Beatles fans! Have­ you ever wondere­d about the resurgence­ of the Beatles’ lost song ‘Now and The­n’? Let’s delve into the­ story behind this music marvel’s revival. Discove­r the tech role playe­d by … Read more